“He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart
Similarly, just like those young eaglets, as we learn to fly, His faithfulness will be the strength that our weak wings need to carry us. We know that we can 100% trust in Him because His faithfulness will never fail. In our journey to become missionaries, we feel like a fledgling eaglet. We know where we are headed, but we totally need God’s provision and protection to make it there. We are so comforted to know that we will always be Under His Wings as we follow His will for our lives.
Soon I will be serving in a ministry where I will daily be working “under wings” as I repair, modify, and maintain missionary airplanes at MMS Aviation. And not too far down the road, I will be flying “under wings” as I serve with another ministry in becoming a missionary pilot. And then our dream is to ultimately be serving as a missionary pilot in Cameroon, Africa. That journey will not be a quick or easy one. We know that we will face many challenges along the way. But what a blessing to realize that we will be Under His Wings every day, and that we don’t have to travel that journey alone.